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aBout Brandon.

A vision for the future that honours Kingsville's historic roots is essential for our town's sustainability.

With my background in economic development and municipal construction, and having lived through the ill-planned expansion of my hometown in Northern Ontario, I know we must do better. A proper vision is key.

To learn more about me, click here.
For information on the other candidates, click here.

Kingsville Open Streets with Brandon Stanley
Kingsville Open Streets Brandon Stanley


Kingsville Waterfront Issues
What are your plans for the waterfront and how can we truly make this into a lakefront community?
Clear concise vision is now required.  Strategic plans are a process.  Yet before any strategies can be established, a defined vision is required.  The future of Kingsville’s waterfront requires a clearly defined vision.  By using valuable input from the community, a strong vision can be envisioned by all.  When a vision has been agreed upon, then sequences of strategic events can be planned and completed which share both residential and commercial interests and concerns. There is incredible potential in our Harbour and it deserves to be worked on.  Obviously this isn’t a new idea and has been stated many times in the past… but to see it fully through requires a dedicated team of people who work tirelessly and who agree that this is their council’s priority and their community’s goal.  Our beautiful town of Kingsville needs a strong, committed council.  An active council.  One that is part of the solution. Ideas, dreams and goals must be shared, combined and addressed.  This council must efficiently navigate multiple levels and forms of government; improve and maintain healthy ecosystems; preserve history; improve experiences, provide safe environments, all while calming stakeholders and increasing economies.  Splash parks, walkways, green spaces (or even a trendy yet traditional Fisherman’s Wharf-type boardwalk) are all ideas worth considering.  Longer-term leased shops, cafes, etc. can be mainstay places, while those who wish to try their hand in new ventures could lease smaller short-term units.  Our council should recognize and encourage new business owners in launching their businesses. The opportunities at our waterfront for everyone is endless, however, Kingsville requires a council who can navigate and wisely invest in it’s waterfront’s deserving and bright future. A council that appreciates the residential and business needs of it’s community and can successfully guide us towards our exciting shared vision is the first and most important step.
Keeping Kingsville's Pride
How will you work to help maintain our rural way of life while supporting future developments?

Change is coming. Will Kingsville adapt… to only just cope… or will we adapt to win? Sprawl is inevitable. Canada’s population is expanding, and people are naturally drawn to lovely small towns like ours. But surely, let’s not invite an uncontrolled haphazard chaotic sprawl. Our councillors need to identify Kingsville’s strengths and weaknesses. We need our residents, our businesses and our tourists to power the town’s economies. Any new urban areas will wisely be built on the foundations of Kingsville’s past. By considering our values, respecting and enhancing our heritage, honouring our history and preserving Kingsville’s old buildings, easy-to-follow boundaries and guidelines can be offered to developers who will in turn appreciate the clear direction of our town’s objectives. Any developer who approaches Kingsville will know us by our core values, the protection of our streets, our farmlands, our water systems, and our wet and wildlands. Let’s ensure that portions of tax revenue normally spent on our existing neighbourhoods, roads and community services are not disproportionately allocated to the new development. Investments in our downtown core will help the small businesses thrive; offer safe walkability & bikeability; encourage small & medium businesses to locate to Kingsville to offer accessible employment; have our residents find work from home opportunities for those that wish to slow their pace and stay put in their surroundings. It’s time to create our own Kingsville brand, develop our own new neighbourhoods, enrich our old ones, provide new exciting employment opportunities, and perhaps a central theme and festival to draw new & old into our town. Tell the world who we are.

Kingsville Activities
How do you plan for Kingsville to pay for all these projects?

I think we currently have an excellent, fiscally responsible budget. I believe everything should be based on services, and if we want more, we pay more. I also think there are a lot of organizations that can start contributing to our town in a more significant way. That said, what we currently have is run pretty efficiently, and I would like to see better planning ahead of time to avoid issues that bring about more costs. I'll be the first to acknowledge that I don't know all the answers, and I don't expect to. I think that the role of a councillor is to take in as much information as possible and to make a balanced and informed decision that needs to be communicated to the public. I hope we have a team that we can rely on to help fill the gaps. You are an essential part of that team.

We're in this together Kingsville.

Would you like to help?

Please share my website with your friends is better than a donation. If you have questions, you can instantly connect with me from the chat icon in the bottom right corner.

Let's talk

Brandon Stanley Lakeside Bakery Paczki
Brandon Stanley with Lauren Segedin


Dennis Rogers for Mayor
For Mayor

Dennis Rogers

Kimberly Deyong
For Deputy Mayor

Kimberly DeYong

Untitled design (9)
For Councillor

Brandon Stanley

Meet all your 2022 kingsville candidates!